Celebration Circle is an inclusive, multi-faith community with a creative approach to spirituality.
We gather to honor and nurture the Sacred in ourselves, each other,
and all of Creation.
Gather Together
We gather to remind ourselves and each other of who we truly are – and who we are capable of becoming.
All of us – including you - have something valuable to contribute to the co-creation and narration of this exciting New Story!
Writing a New Story
We believe there is a powerful New Story being born in the midst of our dominant culture. It’s an amazing story of love, peace, sustainability and inter-connection. We choose to nurture this Story by incorporating our personal insights with those offered by the major faiths and wisdom traditions: Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Native American, Taoist, and Pagan, as well as contemporary science, psychology, and the Recovery Movement.
Sacred Art
We gather to experience our deep connections to ourselves, each other and the Web of Life through creative and co-creative expressions of spirituality. Our gatherings take a variety of forms, but share a common goal: to foster the process of conscious evolution through the sacred arts.
Starting in October 2022, we are meeting for Second and Fourth Sundays at Woodlawn Pointe in the main auditorium. We have several small groups that happen online and in-person, please click for more details:
Celebration Circle is led by a governing body called the Council of Stewards who guide and consult on all major decisions. In general, the Council meets monthly (sometimes but not always) on the third (sometimes but not always) Sunday afternoon, at 2:00 pm.
Please contact us for more information if you are interested in attending a meeting, working on a committee, or serving on Council: circle@celebrationcircle.org.

The people who gathered that Sunday morning came from a variety of faith traditions, but shared a common longing to create new expressions of spiritual understanding. The group continued to meet weekly, and Celebration Circle received official recognition of 501(c)(3) tax exempt status on March 24, 1997.​
Celebration Circle has gathered in a variety of locations over the years, and we have been visited by many friends. Since our inception, we have had no membership requirements, believing that the designation of members/non-members creates a sense of division contrary to the consciousness of Oneness we choose to foster.

Celebration Circle began on January 19, 1992 when Rudi Harst, Zet Baer, and a few like minded friends gathered at The Harbor, a small building on the edge of Brackenridge Park, in San Antonio, Texas.